Why does my motorcycle need extra security?

Unlike cars and other vehicles, motorcycles are easy to steal. With the rising number of new motorcycle registrations increasing every month, it’s important to keep your bike as safe as possible.

Motorbikes are becoming more and more desirable due to brand, design and performance, many thieves will take the opportunity, no matter the risk, to steal a motorcycle then being able to sell it on for parts making themselves a small fortune.

On average 37 motorcycles are stolen each day in London, the hot-spot of vehicle related theft; so it’s important to remember when parking up your bike, always looks out for surrounding CCTV or extra security cameras and a well-lit area as these are a great deterrent for potential theft. Not only that but adding extra security to your machine will also help.

Security options

Depending on your lifestyle and budget, there are plenty of options that you can pick from on helping to add an extra level on security to your motorbike…


Marking parts of your motorcycle with your Vehicle Identification Number (VIN), your vehicle reg and postcode will make it easier to track your motorcycle if it was stolen and sold for parts.

You could also purchase a Datatag tagging system let uses UV reactive etchings that leaves a unique code invisible to the naked eye meaning it makes a tough job for any criminal to sell on motorcycle parts. You’ll be given a unique code that is stored of the Datatags 24/7 Home Office and ACPO Police secure databases, and with none of your personal information on show it makes the system even safer.

Lock and chains

Locks and chains are another great option to have on your bike at all times, especially if you’re using your motorbike for commuting purposes. A decent lock and chain used on a fixed objected like mental fences or a metal pole will help to deter any chance of theft. Make sure that you thread the chain through the frame of the motorcycle, wheels are easily removed.

Check out this short video on securing locks to your motorcycle… 


Ground anchor

If you leave your bike locked up in the same place frequently then a ground anchor is a good investment, especially in a garage as it adds extra security. Once the ground anchor is cemented into your preferred location, all you’ll need is a sturdy chain to lock up your pride and joy without a worry.

It’s also worth investing in a cover for your motorcycle, as they are another great deterrent.

Alarm and immobilizers

Nowadays most motorbikes come with factory fitted alarms, if not then the option to have them fitted for an extra fee are always there.

If you’re fitting an immobiliser system yourself, make sure that the kill switch is well hidden. You may even be able to purchase a combine system with both an alarm and immobiliser giving you another level of security. Although alarms and immobiliser can’t stop a theft from happening, they are fantastic for being able to retrieve and trace your motorbike.

Tracking devices

DATATOOL and TRACKER are some of the biggest and most reliable motorcycle tracking devices that money can buy. Both are recognised by insurance companies which means it also will go toward reducing your premium.

Tracking devices have become so advanced over the years that now tracking technology will able to help find your bike, even it has been locked in an underground car park to being hidden in a shipping container. Tracking devices go beyond what basic GPS systems can do.

Garage and secure housing

According to the National Crime Intelligence Service, 80% of motorbikes are stolen from outside the owner’s home. If you’ve got a garage then use it to store your motorcycle! If you don’t have access to a garage then it’s worth looking at other storage units for your bike.

Using a combination of different security devices is another great way of reducing your insurance premium.

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