Additional Support

Financial difficulties

We know that for many maintaining insurance cover is vital, but sometimes unexpected events happen that can make payment a challenge, for example: you’ve been made redundant or you are dealing with a long term illness.

Whether you have already missed a payment or feel that you will not be able to make a future, we are here to help. Options may include reviewing the cover you currently have, rescheduling payment or changing the payment date.

So, if you are starting to experience payment difficulties please call us on 0345 300 4870, we want to help. Worried about the cost of the call? Tell us and we will call you back.

Supporting our customers

Need a little extra support? We’re here to help – Being aware of any challenges our customers are facing can help us to consider our approach and offer appropriate support where it’s needed.

Should you need support or assistance please  contact us by email at or call us on 0345 300 4870 between the hours of 8.30am to 7pm, Monday – Friday.

Authorising a third party on my credit agreement

Whilst the finance we offer is for policyholders’ who commence insurance in their own name we appreciate at times a third party such as a parent may wish to arrange finance in their name to fund payment of the insurance.

In these cases we recommend that you call us on 0345 300 4870  to arrange.

Other support  

Whatever your current situation is, if you need assistance we are here to help.  You can also get help and advice from:

Citizens Advice

Money Advice Trust

National Debtline

Our Contact Promise to you