Road Risk claims
In the event of a road traffic accident you need to obtain as much information as you can to assist your insurer with the claim. You should never admit responsibility.
At the scene of the incident if at all possible try and get some photographs of the positions of the vehicles immediately after the mishap. Take a note of the other parties name, address, postcode, telephone number. Also make a note of the make and model of the other vehicle(s) together with registration number and colour.
Obtain details of the other parties insurance company and broker also note the time, date and location. If there are witnesses obtain their name address and phone number. If a police officer attends make a note of his name and number.
This information should then be relayed to your insurance company as quickly as possible. For help with reporting your claim ring us on 0345 604 3352.
Property claim
If the claim is of a very serious nature and stops you trading you should contact Devitt claims department for us to arrange urgent attention from your insurer who will organise a loss adjuster to contact you very quickly.
For losses of a less serious nature you need to complete a claim form itemising the property you wish to claim for. You should obtain estimates of repair or replacement and enclose them with the claim form.
A claim form may be requested by emailing or call 0345 604 3352.
Employers Liability
Should you need to report a claim for an accident which results in a claim from an employee you should report this to your insurer as soon as possible. You can contact the insurer direct or call us on 0345 604 3352.
The insurer will request as much information as possible such as:
- A copy of your accident book
- A copy of the report to the Health and safety Executive
- Any witness statement
- A copy of any risk assessment done
- Details of any protective clothing, eye protection etc that the claimant has been issued with.
- Photographs of the accident scene (if possible)
- Details of any training given to the claimant.
Public Liability
Any claim involving a member of the public must be reported as soon as possible to your insurer or call us on 0345 604 3352.
The insurer will request as much information as possible such as:
- A copy of your accident book
- A copy of your internal incident report
- Photographs are really useful if you can get them
- Any witness statements
- A risk assessment if you have one
Professional Indemnity for Motor Trade
A professional indemnity policy is a little different from other types of insurance in that there will always be a clause which states that you must report any circumstance which may lead to a claim. It is of course difficult to determine if a circumstance will lead to a claim and therefore we recommend that you report any incident which involves an injury.
The best course of action is to ring the commercial team on 0345 300 4868 and discuss with us any incident that you concerned about so that we can advise you of the best course of action.
If a claim is made:
- Do not enter into correspondence or admit liability
- The insures will need as much information as possible such as
- Any letter of claim from a solicitor
- A copy of your accident book
- A copy of the report to the DSA
- A risk assessment if you have one
- Any witness statements
- Photographs are really useful if you have any
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