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Biker Safety Zone

We know how important safety is for bikers, thrills often come with risks and biking is no different. Keeping your skills and knowledge up to date is essential that’s why we’ve created the Biker Safety Zone so you can find all of the information you need to stay safe in one place.

Top Biker Safety Tips

  • Take an advanced course and read advice from Think!
  • Protect your body – wear leather or protective jacket and trousers
  • Protect your feet – with tough shoes or boots
  • Ride within your limits – be sensible with your speed
  • Stay alert and minimise distractions
  • Watch your stopping distance – thinking distance + braking distance = stopping distance
  • Respect the weather – ride appropriately for the conditions
  • Look after your passengers – make sure they’re wearing the correct kit, obviously a helmet but leather and protective clothing are also important
  • Be aware of other road users – they might not notice you, anticipate their actions
  • Wear a decent helmet – look at the label to ensure it meets the British standard. Make sure it fits. Don’t buy second hand.

Rear Observation

Here, Advancedbiker takes us on a ride while explaining the importance of rear observation. It’s vital for the rider to be constantly thinking, looking and taking ‘lifesavers’ to maintain safe riding!

Thinking Ahead

In this video from THINK! it shows a motorcyclist being warned of the hazards on the road before he reaches them. This obviously doesn’t happen in the real world but THINK! are making a point of encouraging riders to think ahead.

What To Do If You Have an Accident

Nobody wants to be involved in an accident but it’s vital that you know what to do should you ever be involved in such an unfortunate event. In this video infographic, made by Devitt, we explain exactly what you should do in the circumstances.

THINK! Never too Good

Never too Good: Trailer

THINK! have introduced the campaign ‘Never too good’ to encourage motorcyclists to complete further training. The man at the forefront of this cause, Chaz Davies, surprisingly only just passed his road test in the summer of 2014. Comedian Alan Davies is also joining the group of bikers who are all working together to promote the importance of further training.

Never too Good: Back To School

In this clip the bikers take to the roads. Their riding is observed by examiner Mike Anderson. Mike’s looking at riding style, asking questions and thinking about where the riders can improve…but Alan seems to think he’s on a racing track…

Never too Good: Look, Lean and Roll

This clip from the THINK! campaign ‘Never too Good’ shows Chaz Davies and Alan Davies taking to the track to sharpen up on their road skills. Here they are focussing on the Look, Lean and Roll. Look – keeping good vision. Lean – positive steering. Roll – controlling the throttle.

Never too Good: Roadcraft

Here, THINK! are assessing road craft. Chaz Davies identifies the difference between riding on the track to riding on the road. Road craft examines an array of vital elements that riders must be aware of at all times, including positioning, hazard awareness and speed…

Never too Good: Reflecting Back

In their final video Chaz, Alan and the gang cover many miles on a well deserved ride out. The group reflect back on how far they have come and how much they have achieved throughout their further training.

Weather Conditions

Wet Country Roads

Here, Advancedbiker is filming whilst being followed by a riding commentator. The video highlights the importance of staying alert and adapting your riding style whilst on wet country roads.

Riding in the Wind

This clip demonstrates which precautions to take while riding in windy weather conditions. It’s important to stay aware, relaxed and to adapt your riding to suit these type of conditions.

Riding in the Rain or on Wet Roads

When riding in the rain there are a number of additional hazards to be aware of, such as road glare, slippery man hole covers, visor glare and heavy rain viability problems.

Filtering/Lane Splitting

Filtering Tips

This video footage encourages riders to filter through traffic safely by assessing other motorists driving, obstructions and the size of the gap in which the rider is able to filter through.

Where can I go for additional training?

Institute of Advanced Motorists (IAM)

IAM is a road safety charity that is passionate about improving the skills and understanding of riders and drivers in order to create safer roads. This particular charity embraces people’s passions to ride and understand that in order for an individual to be a safer rider it is important for them the improve their riding ability.

Skill for Life is the programme bought to bikers by IAM which encourages riders to ‘take the next step’. When completing the programme bikers are taught to think about the five phases of advanced riding, these being – information, position, speed, gear and acceleration. Individuals are also exposed to a variety of road and weather conditions, this in turn gives the rider skills and knowledge in order for them to remain confident and controlled while on the road.

Authorised Training Body Association (ATBA)

The Authorised Training Body Association (ATBA) provides authorised training bodies with a platform to voice their concerns and thoughts.

This not for profit organisation is led by a Driving Standards Agency (DSA) stakeholder who addresses any concerns that are put forward to the organisation, such as appropriate clothing when riding, road conditions and anything else that may affect a riders ability to remain safe while on the roads.

Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (RoSPA)

RoSPA works hard to promote a safe environment in the hope of preventing accidents and injuries. This charity has introduced many campaigns to encourage safer driving, riding and awareness on roads.

Like IAM, RoSPA also offers an advanced riding course. This supports the charities concerns to keep riders safe while practicing responsible and admirable riding.

Enhanced Rider Scheme trainer

If you are interested in improving your motorcycle riding skills then it’s time to find an enhanced rider scheme trainer in your area. By ensuring your riding abilities are of a high standard you’re supporting safer roads in the UK!

Bike Safe

Bike Safe is a project which is run by police forces across the UK. The purpose of Bike Safe is to reduce the number of accidents that bikers have on the roads. By encouraging riders to improve their skills, knowledge and hazard awareness Bike Safe hopes to make riding safer and more enjoyable.

Visit the Bike Safe website if you would like to book a Bike Safe workshop with the police force in your area.