Modern Slavery Statement


Devitt Insurance Services Limited is committed to ensuring that its business operations and processes are conducted to the highest possible standards. This includes ensuring the fair treatment of individuals and respect for human rights and freedoms throughout all of our supply chains and within our own business.

We acknowledge our responsibilities to tackle modern day slavery and commit to complying with the Modern Day Slavery Act 2015.

Supply Chain

We have been specialising in motorcycle insurance since 1936 and continue to arrange reliable and competitive insurance for riders to this day. We look after the insurance needs for over 115,000 UK customers, utilising our excellent relationships with some of the UK’s leading insurers. We only do business with large, reputable companies; where any future suppliers may be selected, we will take the necessary due diligence to ensure that they comply with international standards on human rights.

Our commitment 

We will not enter into business with any organisation which knowingly supports slavery, human trafficking, forced or compulsory labour. Our relationships must be conducted with businesses where employment is chosen freely, conditions are safe and hours are not excessive. We reiterate our commitment to acting ethically and responsibly, with integrity in all of our business relationships.

  • We will ensure that we mitigate this risk of slavery and human trafficking in our supply chains.
  • We will train Devitt employees to understand modern slavery; including raising awareness, whistleblowing and reporting.


Our staff have access to the Modern Day Slavery Helpline (0800 0121 700) and Crimestopper’s anonymous number (0800 555 111) on our company Intranet and Training Portal. Our Whistleblowing Policy encourages employees to speak out if they discover something they believe is wrong and they will not suffer a detriment for speaking up. This is also part of our employee induction process.

Supporting and raising awareness

We are pleased to support the cause ‘As Seen From A Sidecar’, which raises the awareness of modern day slavery. We continue to provide training on modern day slavery to our employees as we all as monitor our business supply chains in relation to modern slavery.